Friday, October 29, 2010

getting naked for putin

why do i feel like they're just going 'woooooo!' ?

Vladimir Putin visited Kiev yesterday and was met by topless activists from the group FEMEN. According to leader Anna Gustol, "We are protesting against the interference of the Russian leaders in the internal affairs of our country. After their visits, in Ukraine we see restrictions on media freedom and on the right to demonstrate, as is the case in Russia," she said. (Here's the full story.) I think this is a really important message - I don't know what it's like to have Putin trying to play evil puppet master with my country, but it can't be fun. My response: You go girl! But, um, why are you naked?

they don't know it's alllll part of his evil plan
I seeee said the blind man. Their protest is so outrageous that it's garnered huge international attention. (Another benefit: He can't have these girls whacked in the middle of night, as I hear ole Putin is wont to do.) It's getting people thinking about Russia's continued relationship with post-Soviet eastern Europe, which isn't a very healthy one. FEMEN's signs included WE WON'T SLEEP WITH KREMLIN DWARFS and WE WON'T BEND OVER THAT EASY: Fabulous.

I think this whole Putin protest thing is great. It also raises some interesting questions about FEMEN. Their main year-round purpose is to raise awareness and combat the sexual tourism trade in Ukraine (including protesting at the Turkish embassy, because Turks are apparently the largest group of pervy tourists). FEMEN's highly sexualized protests are pretty regular occurrences. I'm not sure what to make of it. They're objectifying themselves to advance a feminist agenda. It's either very counterproductive and misguided...or genius. Do what you do, ladies! I'm rooting for y'all.

another femen event (many happy faces in this crowd)
no more pants! no more pants!
sorry, boys. if you want hot feminists you gotta go to ukraine
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