Saturday, February 19, 2011

fill in the blank...saturday

So I was reading Amy Rene's"Fill in the Blank Friday" post and figured I'd give it a try (even though I'm a day late). Cause it's fun to write about yourself.

(not me, but you get the idea)
I am curious about the world. A reader, animal lover, and traveler. A worrywart. A lover of good food and good drink (borderline glutton & wino, perhaps.) Maybe a bit pretentious. Definitely a little crazy.

The bravest thing I've ever done was wander around on foot in a foreign city, completely and utterly alone. (Language barriers nothing - I made a few new friends that day.) I also repelled down a cliff side in North Carolina although I am deathly afraid of heights (I can't look over a 3rd story balcony without getting queasy). The first time I ever went out to dinner by myself also required a bit of bravery, I think. Hooray me!

I feel prettiest when I'm smiling/happy. Being with people I love makes me glow, no matter how frumpy I'm looking that day.

Something that keeps me awake at night is remembering all the snafus of my day: that homework assignment I was supposed to complete, that witty comeback I couldn't come up with, that text I probably shouldn't have sent...These things always comes rushing back to torment me right as I'm about to doze off.

My favorite meal in the entire world is any of the southern cooking that the women in my family do so well and I have not yet been able to master, alas. Also Mexican street tacos (and not the Taco Cabana kind, either): corn tortillas, queso fresco, lime, cilantro, onion, and crumbly beef fajita. Ahhh.

The way to my heart is making me laugh...real, hearty, from-the-bottom-of-my-gut laugh, not the polite silence-filling kind. I'm also a sucker for anyone who will sit and have a meaningful conversation with me about religion or politics over coffee/cocktails and smokes.

I would like to learn a little more self-control, get a real job, and visit Russia, South Korea, and Argentina within the next five years.
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