Monday, February 28, 2011

don't ask me why: harvey keitel

As previously mentioned, I'm engaged in a strange love affair with Harvey Keitel. Strange because he's not particularly attractive, he seems kinda dirty, and um...he was born in 1939.

I can't explain it. Maybe it's because he's been in some amazing movies, like Reservoir Dogs, Taxi Driver,and Pulp Fiction. He also really stepped out of the box for a romantic role in one of my favorite movies of all time. More recently, in the ultimate highlight of his career, he appeared in a Jay-Z video.

Or maybe because he's the consummate tough-guy-New-Yorker? (After all, I'm a Texan, so what is actually a kinda grating accent and bad manners seems all cool and exotic to me.) He also has good tastes in women; he was involved with Lorraine Bracco, of The Sopranos and Goodfellas fame and a walking stereotype in her own right, for over a decade.

Not to mention he made one of my favorite commercials ever:

So why, do you ask? Oh, I don't know. After all, you can't choose who you love.
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