Friday, February 25, 2011


Woohoo! I am having so much fun with Fill in the Blank Friday, which I find on Amy Rene's's blog. Here I gooooo....

I am currently obsessed with Parks and Recreation and Community. They're two of my very favorite shows on television right now - They've actually probably replaced my two former TV obsessions, 30 Rock and The Office, which I still love but not as profoundly as I once did. Hey, it happens.

Today I am relieved because it's Friday! My weeks feel soooo long these days, and Friday and Saturday nights after 8:00 are literally the ONLY times that I can do whatever I want. On Fridays I generally don't go out because I'm too exhausted and want to spend my time vegging, reading what I want, and catching up on my sleep. Can't wait!

The age I am is 23 and the age I feel is 43. I'm a cardigan-wearing, gin-drinking, Elton John-listening, book-club-attending kinda gal. I also think I feel a bit world-wearier and jaded than is strictly healthy for someone my age. (But, wait, isn't that the default psychological state for most twenty-somethings? Maybe I'm not as unique as I thought.)

My favorite place is my front porch. I have a huge, beautiful front porch overlooking green fields, wildflowers, and trees. There's a blue haint ceiling, insanely comfortable chairs, and ceiling fans. I spend a lot of time just sitting, thinking, and reading out there. I especially love watching storms roll in. It's the location of all my Zen moments. The only place that could possibly compare is my parents' front porch, which I love for all the same reasons.

Something I have been procrastinating is cutting my dog's hair. He is a Pomeranian mix that is constantly shedding and whose hair grows at about an inch per minute. It's super expensive to keep him trimmed all the time (I have to take him to a professional groomer because it's just traumatizing for both of us when I attempt to do it), but it's also incredibly gross to constantly be covered in dog hair. So I've gotta do it. I'll call Classy Canines, Monday. Definitely by Wednesday.

my doggie

The last thing I purchased was a bottle of Cruzan 9 spiced rum on my way home today. (See previous statements about Friday night relaxation and my front porch detox time.)

The thing I love most about my home is how clearly it bears traces of my fabulous grandmother, Billie. (It was her home; she had it built several years before she passed away.) It's full of cool light fixtures, interesting artwork, pieces of stained glass, quirky little knickknacks, and just a lot of very beautiful things. The main feature of the living room is a whole wall of book shelves and a fireplace - Heaven! It's also very open and airy: large windows, high ceilings, neutral walls, tiled floors, tons of light. I absolutely adore it. When I first moved in, I was worried that living there might make me lonely for my grandmother...But it's not like that. It's a lovely and happy place, full of "good energy" just like it was when she was alive. She and I were kindred spirits, and I know she's happy to look down and see that someone is keeping the home fires burning. <3
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