Friday, March 18, 2011

FITBF: March 17

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1. The best deal I've ever gotten is my clearance puppy. Seriously. I feel like I talk about my dog way too much on here. Never fear, I don't have some weird obsession and don't plan on stuffing him when he dies (*tear*). But he's the legitimate answer to this question: When I went to get my dog, I originally wanted his sister (who was all white), but the little old man selling them told me that he wanted to keep her for breeding purposes. He then sweetened the deal on Sammy by knocking off $50 from the original price. Couldn't say no to a deal like that, could I?

2. If I were hosting a dinner party and could invite people from my fantasy guest list it would include (I'm going to take this literally and only include people who are living today, although my inner history nerd is salivating at the idea of dinner with Winston Churchill): Ricky Gervais, Steve Carrell, Ellen DeGeneres, and Tina Fey (for obvious reasons); Angelina Jolie (because I want to be her - I'd probably make her really uncomfortable),  Prince Harry (because he'd obviously just fall immediately & madly in love with me), and George W. Bush (just cause). 

jolie, unhcr goodwill ambassador
michael scott + david brent = heaven
and what!
3. Something that inspires me is reading the biographies of tough broads: Eleanor of Aquitaine,  Josephine Bonaparte, and Joan Root are those I've read about most recently.

4. If I could only choose to eat one flavor of food for the rest of eternity (sweet, salty, spicy, bitter....) I would have to go with SALTY. I am a salt fiend - I dump it on everything I eat! (I will also die of heart disease.

5. I dream about being late and/or running behind. It's very weird; I will wake up in a panic because I've been dreaming that I'm running late, only to discover that it's 2:45 am. It happens at least once a week.

6. My weekend will be spent writing a unit plan on Victorian literature. Hello, Dickens.

7. If I could only watch one movie or TV show for the rest of my life it would be
The Office. I'm not as in love with it as I used to be, but it is still one of my very favorite television shows of all time. It always puts me in a good mood, and there are some parts that make me laugh out loud no matter how many times I see them. Case in point: Pretty much everything Dwight does.


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