Wednesday, March 2, 2011

hot "feminists" round 2

FEMEN strikes again! Remember that topless protest held for Putin I blogged about back in October? Well, they're still around, and making news again. This time, over a New Zealand radio station's "Win a Wife" contest, in which they promised to send a listener to Ukraine to find a mail-order bride.

Signs read "Ukraine is not a brothel." And they were topless....again. As I've said before, I find this a very bizarre way to handle a feminist agenda. I do definitely get, however, how insulting it would be to hear that you and your countrywomen are the "prizes" in a radio give-away in another country. (Ouch.) So I'll keep saying what I said before: Do what you do, ladies.

Picketing in front of a marriage registration office in Kiev. Photo: AP
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