Friday, March 25, 2011

FITBF: or, why I shall be a 28-year-old bibliophile forever

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via alisburda on etsy
My most prized possession is my book collection. I literally have an entire library in my house - many of which I haven't even read yet, so anytime I want to read something new I can just peruse my own shelves instead of going to the book store. (I still do, though, constantly - It's a compulsion; hence my massive collection. I like to think that it's healthier than a shoe or purse obsession.)

If I could be one age for the rest of my life, I would want to be...I haven't gotten there yet, but my guess would be 27 or 28. I like to think I'll be a lot more savvy, independent, and seasoned at that age than I am now, but still have plenty of youthful optimism and freedom. (There is no way in hell I would ever want to be younger than 21 ever again...for obvious reasons.)

The best way to spend a weekend is having one crazy night out, one peaceful night in, and lots and lots of sleep.

My outlook on life is ever-evolving, but right now it can be best summed up as:

via ThisCleverGirl on Pinterest

If you want to annoy me, just wear apathy and willful ignorance like a badge of honor. Like proudly tell me that you don't care about the news or politics (this become unacceptable once you get past the age of 17), or that you "hate reading." (Not enjoying reading is one thing - Saying that you hate it just really irritates me and kinda grosses me out.) Yep, that'll definitely do the trick.

I am completely defenseless when it comes to ASPCA ads. I'm pretty stoic about most things, but for whatever reason I can't watch these ads without wanting to cry. They shamelessly prey upon the viewer's emotions and - guess what - it works. It's a great cause, and I gladly donate money to the ASPCA monthly, but I just can't watch them. View at your own risk.

(And I fully realize how strange it is that I, and a lot of other people, get more tearful over this kind of stuff than they do over, say, the situation in the DRC. The good news is that most of us know how ridiculous that is. In my own defense, I will also throw out there that I've dealt with personal loss and intense physical pain in the past without shedding a tear, either. I cannot explain this incongruity. I'll leave that to the shrinks.)

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