Friday, March 4, 2011

FITBF: or, why i seriously love my dog, hulu, and stinky cheese

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The phrase or punctuation I overuse the most is "seriously." I am seriously hungry. You seriously need to stop. Seriously, you are way too good for him. Seriously? Seriously? Are you serious right now? (When someone's being a smart-ass and I can't come up with something witty to say.)
You get the idea.

Today I am thankful for Hulu Plus. I've been vegging on the couch with the NBC Thursday night lineup, and it's Friday. Yay!

My best friend is my dog. I love all my people friends dearly, but my dog Sammy has been my most loyal and lovable little companion through five stressful years of school, several moves, and a heartbreak or two. They don't call them man's best friend for nothing.

A quirky thing about me is that I'm not really a fan of chocolate.  I'd rather get blocks of cheese than a box of chocolates for Valentine's, seriously. I love gourmet aged cheese, the stinkier the better.

This weekend I will finish reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, just in time for a book club meeting next weekend.

Something that worries me is finding a real job. I'll be officially on the hunt as soon as I complete my certification, and I know it's going to be an uphill climb.

On my night stand you would find a bedside lamp, my Kindle, another little stack of books for good measure (right now it's Persuasion by Jane Austen, The Mummy by Anne Rice, and Barrel Fever by David Sedaris), a jewelry dish, and a glass of water.
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